So, which embroidery product is right for you? We’ve put together this comparison to help guide you to the right solution.
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
We are proud to offer a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee. We are so sure you will love our products, that if for some reason you don’t, we will gladly take it back and refund your money. In order to collect your refund, the product must be returned to us in its original condition, and within 30 days from the date of your original invoice. You will be responsible for all shipping return charges. Any damage to the product will void the 30 Day Money Back Guarantee. Damage caused during return shipping will also cause the guarantee to be void. Be sure to package the return carefully, and the way you received it. Be sure to follow the return policy guidelines before sending any product back to us.
You may also contact us with any questions regarding your return by calling 262-257-0930 ext 1.
HoopMaster and Mighty Hoop Return and Exchange Policy
Purchasers wishing to return any product should contact Midwest Products, Inc. and request a Return Authorization. Only goods specified may be returned. Included with your return should be your company information and contact information. Without that information, we cannot guarantee your return will be credited properly. Unauthorized returns will not be credited to purchaser and may be returned to the purchaser at their expense. Merchandise returned more than 30 days after the date of invoice, will not be eligible for the 30 Day Money Back Guarantee that we offer. Used or damaged merchandise is non-returnable. Return shipping costs are the responsibility of the buyer. Please contact us at 262-257-0930 ext 1 to arrange an exchange or return. Our online ordering system cannot handle exchanges or returns.
Why would anyone ever return a HoopMaster or Mighty Hoop, they are both great products!